FACILITIES – Nan Green, Chair
This year started out with the completion of the Friends kitchen remodel in January. The Dunwoody Library staff kitchen was nearly completed in mid- March, with just baseboards and switch plates remaining. There is an open request to replace the hand dryers in both Dunwoody Library bathrooms which will be revisited.
The Friends are working with DeKalb County Public Library on quotes to replace carpeting in the hallway, foyer, Williams Room, and Friends Room. The Friends have also agreed to fund soft chair replacement inside the Dunwoody Library, and DeKalb County Public Library is getting closer to ordering by selecting fabric and finalizing prices.
The Friends are working with DeKalb County Public Library on quotes to improve the Dunwoody Library security with cameras and to upgrade the lighting to LED. Both of these initiatives are being discussed and considered for 2021.
Thank you for your support to make these improvements possible!