BRANCH MANAGER’S REPORT – Elizabeth Meszaros-Bardoczi
The Dunwoody Library had several successful programs and events for its patrons early in 2020, such as the popular jewelry making classes with Julie Glasser, story time reading by City of Dunwoody Mayor, Lynn Deutsch, Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes with Michael Issa, and several well-attended craft programs. In mid-March, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all library branches closed to the public. The library staff worked from home planning and offering several virtual and online classes, answering reference questions, and providing assistance with electronic resources. The Friends sponsored weekly virtual Tai Chi Classes and also helped to purchase extra PPE and new electronic materials and books for the DCPL (DeKalb County Public Library) system.
Nicole Hercules-Provance, Youth Services Librarian, continues to offer online virtual story time readings and craft programs to our young library patrons. Earlier this year, Branch Manager Elizabeth Meszaros-Bardoczi offered story time readings in three languages, and Vivian Alford performed Halloween readings to entertain kids of all ages. Branch staff Saima Masud and Jared Bush participated in a virtual Halloween parade.
During the pandemic, the library administration staff implemented a three- phase reopening plan. In Phase I, the branch book returns were opened in late July. In August, Phase II contact-free holds pickup curbside service was implemented. Gradually, there were more new services offered to patrons such as takeout tech, hotspot check-outs, and more access to a variety of electronic downloadable materials, electronic magazines, newspapers, and other electronic databases. Soon, the Dunwoody branch will be offering wireless printing as well. Phase III, limited public access to the library building, is in the planning stages. The branch staff work in two teams which allows the branch to remain open if one team needed to self-isolate due to Covid-19 exposure.