Welcome to Friends of the Dunwoody Library



The Friends of the Dunwoody Library (FODL) provides funding for books and materials for the DeKalb County (Georgia) Public Library collection.  In addition, the FODL supports the Dunwoody branch of the library system with funding for programs and special branch needs.  The FOODL also assists the branch in promoting knowledge of and participation in library programs to the Dunwoody community.


Founded in 1979, FODL is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All members are volunteers.

Thank you to all our members and other readers who visited our Last Book Sale!
Proceeds will help with collection enhancement for DeKalb County Public Library and other library needs


A New Year


A Book Sale 

Welcome to 2025!

Hello Friends,

Thank you for all you did to help the Friends of the Dunwoody Library during 2024. Your work and your book donations contributed to two Children's/YA book sales and two Adult book sales. Our new book grouping allows more aisle space so shoppers can spend more time looking for their favorites or finding a new discovery.

Our self-service Ongoing Sale in the lobby features a different theme each month. We continue our stock of Fiction, Mysteries, and Classics, along with Nonfiction and children's and Young Adult books. Bring a few dollars in cash when you visit the library, just in case you find something you like among the current magazines, favorite DVDs, or heart-warmers. And puzzles are back!

With the proceeds from the sales, we were able to support the Dunwoody Library in the following ways:

  • Contribution for collection enhancement
  • Improvements for Library furniture, building, and grounds
  • Library staff support
  • Programs for children, teens, and adults.

Thank you again for your part in FODL's success!

Bring us your gently used books!

As you know, you can bring your donated books to us at the Dunwoody Library during normal library hours. If you need help unloading, please come on Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - noon.

Donation guidelines:


FODL Membership and Volunteering

As a reminder, our membership year is January 1 - December 31. If you have not renewed for 2025 yet, you may pay at the library circulation desk, mail a check, pay at a book sale, or pay online at:


If you would like to volunteer with us, please check the volunteer box on the membership form, or contact vp@friendsofdunwoodylibrary.com and indicate your area of interest.

Board officers

President: Jackie Willey

Vice-president: Nan Green

Secretary: Bob Ledford

Treasurer: Karen Dowdle

Book Sales

We look forward to presenting four book sales in 2025, Our next sale is the Adult Book Sale March 13, 14, 15th and 17th, 2025.

Members in good standing may shop early on Thursday 13th  1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Prices vary. Most books are $1.00 to $2.00.

We accept Cash, Check, or Credit/Debit for payment.

If you like stories but don't have time to read right now, try an audiobook! It's so nice having someone read to you. Available at our book sales.

Be on the lookout for our next sales:

Adult Books: March 13 - 17, 2025.

Proceeds support the Dunwoody Library 

and the DeKalb County Public Library System.

For more information, visit https://www.friendsofdunwoodylibrary.com/

Please invite your friends and neighbors!

For more news, follow us on social media!








Join The Friends of the Dunwoody Library and you get to come to the First Two
(2) Hours of the First Day to get the best selection of Books.
Bottom of this Page to join On Line Quick and Easy



     We are again accepting donations of gently used books and other materials.  See our Donations page for guidelines.

Proceeds support the Dunwoody Library 

and the DeKalb County Public Library System.



Donations can be dropped off at the library during normal library operating hours. Please put your donations in the plastic bins located in the lobby of the library. If you drop off boxes please do not block the hallway. If you need help with unloading donations from your car volunteers are available to help every Tuesday morning from 10:00 until noon. Thank you for your donations!

Ongoing Sale Carts Are Back! 

Books and DVD's can be purchased from the carts located in the library lobby near our donation bins. Paperbacks are $1, Hardcovers are $2, DVD's are $2.

Purchases are exact cash only! 

Please bring some cash next time you visit the library to shop our ongoing sale, and treat yourself to some new material!

Storytime is now just a phone call away!

DeKalb County Public Library is offering StoryLine, a dial-a-story service where patrons can call in to hear a book read in two languages: English and Spanish.

One of the Spanish language readers is a Dunwoody staff member!




Sponsor - Mad Italian